List of external experts in the selection panel
- Monica Lira-Cantu, ICN2, Spain
- Roland Scheer, Halle University, Germany
- Paola Vivo, Tampere University, Finland
- Wolfgang Tress, ZHAW, Switzerland
List of internal experts in the selection panel
Depending on the targeted infrastructure and the topic of the proposal, 4 out of the following internal experts will be chosen for each proposal:
- Eugenia Zugasti, CENER
- Antonio Abate, HZB
- Theodoros Dimopoulos, AIT
- Sjörd Veenstra, TNO
- Tom Aernouts, imec
- Francesco Di Giacomo, UNITOV
- Muriel Matheron, CEA
- Vera la Ferrara, ENEA
- Mykhailo Sytnyk, FZJ
- Trystan Wattson, SU
- Quentin Jeangros, CSEM/EPFL
- Martin Schubert, Fraunhofer