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Conferences, Workshops, Technical Meetings

Event attendance in conferences, workshops, technical meetings is a key action in Science and technology:

  • Delegates can discuss efficiently more recent results, hot issues and opinions by showing their own skill.
  • Events  offer the opportunity for everyone  to be introduced to several  scientists/experts in a short amount of time
  • By attending other presentations and by accessing to the event proceedings, each participant  learns  from others and improves  his/her  own  knowledge in  his/her own field of expertise, as well he/she can take profit from the complementary areas of expertise

This  fosters networking and collaboration, that it  is very important  for Photovoltaics involving several academic and technical  disciplines or professional specializations.

To assist scientists/students/experts/stakeholders with planning their own and co-workers event attendance, and to adequately sisseminate upcoming events in  PV TRD Community, VIPERLAB Project web site and VIPERLAB-KEP  offer an updated list of Photovoltaics events.

We apologize for having missed information, and we thank you a lot in advance if you will highlight this to us   by  forwarding  an email by using  this link.




[CONFERENCE] - Start date Sep, 30th 2024

The International Summit on Organic and Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cell Stability (ISOS) has been an important forum for the ongoing discussion on topics of stability of organic and hybrid perovskite solar cells since 2008. From 30th September to 2nd of October HZB will be hosting the ISOS 15 organized by the group of Helmholtz-Center Berlin and the Humboldt University. You are welcomed to submit your abstract for oral or poster presentation via email until 30th of June.

[SUMMER SCHOOL] - Start date Sep, 03rd 2024

The International School on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (ISOPHOS) is great formative/informative event focused on recent advances in science and technology of organic and hybrid photovoltaic devices, including small molecules, polymers, perovskites, dye solar cells and the use of Graphene and other 2D materials for energy applications.  VIPERLAB deeply invite interested students and young researchers to join the  16th  edition  will be held from the 3th till 7th of September 2024 in the wonderful atmosphere of Talamone (Tuscany - Italy)


[CONFERENCE] - Took place on May, 13th 2024

The 16th International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (HOPV2024) took place on 13-16th May 2024 in Valencia. The conference devoted special attention to cross-disciplinary discussions and knowledge exchange, highlighting the importance of advanced materials and emerging technologies in the solar energy field. It also featured special sessions on energy policy and career development.

[SPRING SCHOOL] - Took place on Apr, 15th 2024

PhD School on Perovskite PV borns from collaborative effort by DIAMOND and TESTARE HORIZON projects. Tailored for PhD students and early-stage researchers, this unique opportunity fosters an environment where expertise meets enthusiasm. It offers opportunities for exploration, learning, and networking.Be part of a transformative experience that goes beyond traditional learning, contributing to the rapid advancement of this dynamic field.

[SPRING SCHOOL] - Took place on Mar, 18th 2024

Welcome to the HZB Photon School 2024 to be held in a hybrid format from the BESSY II synchrotron Light Source in the Wilhelm-Conrad-Röntgen-Campus, Berlin-Adlershof.  Lectures will take place on-line from 18th – 22nd of March and trainings will be conducted on-site from 25th – 28th of March. Deadline for applications is December 10th, 2023, CET.

[WEBINAR] - Took place on Jan, 17th 2024

The “VIPERLAB Webinar on Standardization for Perovskite PV” is a half-day online event on standardization activities in the field of PV, focusing on Perovskite materials and devices. Experts from international research institutes report on the current activities of the IEC Technical Committees 113 and 82, ISOS and PSK-ISOS, as well as on standardization activities regarding data ontologies and RDM.

[WEBINAR] - Took place on Jan, 11th 2024

The webinar offered by ENEA  is devoted to the presentation of  the kSEMAW software. kSEMAW is a useful tool for scientists and technicians dealing with optical devices based on optical coatings. More precisely, kSEMAW is a workspace for the analysis of Spectrophotometric (SP), Ellipsometric (ELI) and Photothermal Deflection Spectroscopy (PDS) measurements. 

[WEBINAR] - Took place on Nov, 13th 2023

Perovskite SJ and Pero/Si Tandem technologies are attracting significant attention from both the scientific and industrial communities thanks to the  rapid increases of the conversion efficiency,  Several efforts are put on the ground to chracterize the technological bottlenecks, overcome them and to push the technology  toward the commercial world through the photovoltaic module upscale. Today we present the TNO-Solliance - S25 Process PSK Line   and   Swansea University - PV manufacturing and Testing Facilities Research Infrastructure offers state-of-the-art fabrication and characterisation equipment for the printing and testing of solar cells and PV module devices 

[CONFERENCE] - Took place on Sep, 18th 2023

EU PVSEC 2023 tooktake place from 18 to 22 September 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal. The conference topics had slightly changed compared to former editions, which reflects the widening scope of the conference. VIPERLAB project was present at EUPVSEC with a poster dealing with Innovation and strategy brought by our project in Communication and Dissemination

[SUMMER SCHOOL] - Took place on Sep, 04th 2023

The International School on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (ISOPHOS) is great formative/informative event focused on recent advances in science and technology of organic and hybrid photovoltaic devices, including small molecules, polymers, perovskites, dye solar cells and the use of Graphene and other 2D materials for energy applications.  VIPERLAB deeply invite interested students and young researchers to join the  15th  edition  will be held from the 4th till 8th of September 2023 in the wonderful atmosphere of Talamone (Tuscany - Italy)

[WORKSHOP] - Took place on Jul, 26th 2023

The Viperlab Data Management Workshop is a full-day event focused on materials research data management, offering an overview of the most relevant strategies and opportunities offered by  NOMAD-LAB and NEO4J databases for projects such as VIPERLAB involved on Solar Perovskite material and devices. Experts from different German research institutes together with representatives of both NOMAD-LAB and NEO4J databases shared insights on projects and databases dedicated to storing research data based on FAIR rules.

[CONFERENCE] - Took place on Jul, 05th 2023

The scope of this conference is to provide an opportunity for experts in a variety of PV sectors and technologies to have a fresh update on the advancement, state-of-the-art and future roadmap of new generation PV in space applications, not only for the satellite powering and traditional space missions but also new space developments such as extraterrestrial bases, deployable flexible PV arrays, inflatable solar cells, solar power stations, etc. The conference would also focus on space relevant tests of new PV technologies as well as the first experimental demonstration on the space environment.

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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 101006715

How to reach us

Project coordinated by

Hahn Meitner Platz 1
14109 Berlin


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