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Technical documents

This VIPERLAB-KEP web area offers documentation produced by VIPERLAB partners or already available by different sources to any interested researcher , professional, stakeholder/decision maker, student. The list of documents can be sorted by different criteria (by organization, by PV RTD technology, by PV RTD topic, by PV RTD Equipment)


This report presents the results of the consultation with consortium members, bibliographic sources and material suppliers, on material and energy flow and cost data that will conform the life cycle inventory (LCI). All the collected data will be presented in a database that will be available on the VAPO platform, the ultimate purpose of which is to facilitate the subsequent life cycle and cost analysis to be carried out at a later stage. The steps followed to convert the Excel file, where all the data were collected, into a functional data base are also described in the report.

Edited : 14/06/2024

This report presents the available solar resource data i.e., the irradiated power and its spectral composition ideally split into a diffuse and direct component in different European locations. The data collection was performed through the consortium members and existing literature plus publicly available resources. The main data source was from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) which provided spectral data from their measurement site in Berlin (Northern Germany) and Fraunhofer ISE which has spectral data at their testing installation in Freiburg (Southern Germany). Apart from these two sites, spectral data from the National Solar Resource Database made publicly accessible by NREL was also collected for two sites in Southern France and Southern Spain to have a diverse spread of European locations. The details on the type of spectral data, its resolution, equipment’s used for the measurement and time interval and length of measurement are provided in brief within the report. The subsequent goal is to transfer the collected and available spectral data onto the VAPO platform to facilitate ease of access to the same for the broader research community interested in energy yield modelling for photovoltaics.

Edited : 14/06/2024

This report dives into the realm of in-situ characterization in perovskite solar cells, unraveling key insights through various optical markers. Expanding on the significance of UV-Vis and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopies, it explores their role in controlling perovskite layers, with a focus on quenching timing. The employed multi-faceted approach, integrated with the SPINBOT automated platform, uncovered crucial findings. UV-Vis absorption spectra exhibited uniformity, signaling consistent film thickness, yet additional markers were needed for comprehensive quality assessment.

Edited : 30/11/2023

The VIPERLAB project has committed itself to establishing a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for single-junction perovskite PV via the organization of three strategic workshops with all stakeholders. This report summarize the results  of the first strategic VIPERLAB workshop (D6.2) was organized in September 2022 as a parallel event to the WCPEC-8 conference in Milano, Italy, and the second strategic VIPERLAB workshop was organized on the 22nd of March 2023 during the "Energy Conversion and Storage Days" event organized by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Karlsruhe, Germany

Edited : 19/05/2023

Perovskite solar cells and modules attract attention in the research, industrial and financing communities. When bringing perovskite solar cells and modules from the lab to pilot lines, the lay-out of the blue print of the pilot line is an important intermediate step in the investment decision. Knowing the relation between processing conditions and device performance is critical to identify the functional design specification for such a pilot line and thus to the CAPEX of the line.
In this deliverable report, the impact of the processing atmosphere (nitrogen, dry air, ambient air) on the performance of perovskite solar cells and modules is investigated for three different process methods: spin coating, hybrid process and slot die coating. Here, the hybrid approach refers to a process with two sequential process steps: first a vacuum deposition step to deposit a first perovskite precursor followed by a second, wet chemical process step to deposit the second perovskite precursor and to form the perovskite layer by a thermal anneal process.

Edited : 24/01/2023

In this report, several existing protocols for performance and aging, published by different entities (IEC, NREL, ESTI …) are reviewed, and are combined with the conclusions of the first round robin (RR1) on electrical performance measurements of the perovskite solar cells for the definition of an harmonized test protocol. The RR1 was executed within WP9 “JRA3-Characterization and standardization” of the VIPERLAB project.  

Edited : 15/12/2022

For the visibility of VIEPERLAB’s actions, as well as to support the transnational access and networking activities, we have created different yet complimentary platforms dedicated to several purposes: project website (PWS), a knowledge exchange platform (KEP), one entry platform for proposal submission (GATE), and platform for virtual infrastructures (VAPO). In this report we present a catalogue of services and policies of these four VIPERLAB platforms.

Edited : 30/11/2022

This deliverable  presents the fundamentals for representing the PSK solar cells domain of knowledge for future development of the VIPERLAB Ontology, which will serve as a platform for uniform data organization, distribution, and knowledge machine interoperability. In addition, the VIPERLAB Ontology will pave the path for the integration of VIPERLAB research data into the relevant data space. At this level, the report provides the VIPERLAB Ontology design's fundamental needs.

Edited : 30/05/2022

This deliverable proposed by WP10  provides guidance for the infrastructure and technology development within VIPERLAB by evaluating and optimizing the environmental, social and economic impact of new perovskite-based technologies. It addresses the first task related to the provision of data (material, process flows, etc.) required for carrying out an economic and environmental assessment. 

Edited : 31/03/2022

This deliverable provides an overview and content description of the online VIPERLAB workshop “Databases, modelling and high-performance computing for perovskite PV” organized by ENEA, CENER, HZB, and FZJ on the 8th of February 2022.

Edited : 09/03/2022

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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 101006715

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Hahn Meitner Platz 1
14109 Berlin


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