Head of Department for Quality Assurance, Characterization and Simulation
Fraunhofer ISE
Role in the project : Scientific responsible for the participation of FRANHOFER to the project
He studied Physics in Freiburg, Germany, and Montpellier, France, and was rewarded a PhD from University of Konstanz, Germany, based on his work at Fraunhofer ISE in 2008. His research is focused on the development of methods for material and solar cell analysis as well as on loss identification in silicon and perovskite solar cells. In 2013 Dr. Schubert was awarded the Ulrich Gösele Young Scientist Award in Fukuoka, Japan and is a Humboldt fellow since his research stay at Meiji-University, Japan, in 2013/14.
Alexander J. Bett, David Chojniak, Michael Schachtner, S. Kasimir Reichmuth, Özde S. Kabakli, Patricia S. C. Schulze, Oliver Fischer, Florian Schindler, Jochen Hohl-Ebinger, Gerald Siefer, Martin C. Schubert
S. Kasimir Reichmuth, A. Fell, O. Fischer, M. Mühleis, D. Chojniak, M. Schachtner, G. Siefer, M. Rauer, J. Hohl-Ebinger, M. C. Schubert
Andreas Fell; Oliver Schultz-Wittmann; Christoph Messmer; Martin C. Schubert; Stefan W. Glunz
Anh Dinh Bui; Dang-Thuan Nguyen; Andreas Fell; Naeimeh Mozaffari; Viqar Ahmad; The Duong; Li Li; Thien N. Truong; Ary Anggara Wibowo; Khoa Nguyen; Oliver Fischer; Florian Schindler; Martin C. Schubert; Klaus J. Weber; Thomas P. White; Kylie R. Catchpole; Daniel Macdonald; Hieu T. Nguyen
Oliver Fischer, Anh Dinh Bui, Florian Schindler, Daniel Macdonald, Stefan W. Glunz, Hieu T. Nguyen, Martin C. Schubert
[1] - Took place on Nov, 30th 2022
H2020 VIPERLAB Project offers free access to the state-of-the-art perovskite EU infrastructures that cover the whole innovation/value chain from material preparation to characterization of perovskite devices and modules. Today we present two very relevant VIPRLAB research Infastructures: FRAUNHOFER Solar Cell Manufacturing & Characterization & EPFL/CSEM – PV lab/PV Center & PSK/SI Tandem processing.