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VIPERLAB road mapping workshop for perovskite PV technology development and harmonization in Europe
Wednesday, 22 March 2023 9:00 -12:30
KIT, Campus Nord in Karlsruhe/Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
We were pleased to invite any interested stakeholder from Academia, Research, Industry to join our VIPERLAB roadmapping workshop for perovskite PV technology development and harmonization in Europe.This workshop was held on March 22th, 2023 9:00-12:30 during Energy Conversion and Storage Days" events. organized by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and took place at the premises of KIT, Campus Nord in Karlsruhe/Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
The workshop was focused on:
Introduction of the workshop and the VIPERLAB project
Part 1 – Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) on single-junction perovskite PV:
In September 2022, a first Viperlab workshop on "a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for perovskite PV modules" was held in Milano, Italy during the EU-PVSEC conference. Starting from last year's drafted European Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Photovoltaics of EERA-PV and ETIP-PV, the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for the development of single-junction perovskite PV in Europe for 2030 were adapted at this first workshop. In this follow-up workshop, we have defined a clear roadmap and timeline on how to reach these KPIs by 2030.
Part 2 – Harmonization Challenges:
In the VIPERLAB project, three strategic workshops (WS) are organised to determine and communicate the main harmonization/standardization challenges that need to be solved to accelerate large-scale industrialization of perovskite PV technologies. The first WS was organized on the 14th and 15th of September 2022 in Vienna, Austria. Amongst others, this WS resulted in a common understanding that further work is needed to improve harmonization activities regarding device characterization and -processing, sample exchange, reporting and (special) applications, respectively. To address this and develop a clear timeline and clear priorities, this second VIPERLAB WS focussed towards “harmonization roadmapping”.
Summary and Next Steps
Note about the 3-days event:
The 3-days event organized by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) joined all together H2020 StoRIES Project / FLORES / EERA JP Energy Storage / EERA JP PV Solar Energy / H2020 VIPERLAB Project in a multitude of moments of discussion and comparison on issues concerning the application of the energy storage (ES) and bringing reearch and industry closer for both ES and Photovoltaics technology. It was also an opportunity for the steering committee meetings of the joint programmes of European Energy Research Alliance for Energy Storage and Photovoltaic Solar Energy, and to participate in visits to relevant infrastructures for research and demostration in energy production and storage.
The participants got the chance to visit Europe's largest research infrastructure for renewable energy at KIT (batteries, electrolysis, Power2X, PV, micro gas turbine, energy smart home lab, electric cars,…)