1st VIPERLAB strategic workshop on harmonisation and standardisation procedures

We organized successfully the “First strategic VIPERLAB workshop on main harmonization/standardization challenges for Perovskite PV” on the 14th and 15th September 2022 in Vienna, Austria. The workshop was originally planned to allow in-person attendance only, with the exception of virtual presentations. Finally, also virtual attendance was provided, and the approximate forty attendees (thirty “in-person” and ten “online”) were mainly people belonging to the VIPERLAB stakeholder list, the VIPERLAB advisory board, the Perovskite industry community and external stakeholders of interest.
The program consisted of talks on harmonization and standardization, industry needs and developments, and the VIPERLAB project itself, including related work package activities (WP8 and WP9). These talks were then followed with discussions (panel & general) on challenges, take-aways and next steps.
Picking out a few main findings from this workshop:
- It became clear that not all existing, related PV standards - such as the IEC 61215 series or IEC 60904-1-1 - may comply with the requirements of perovskite (PSK) PV, especially when it comes to specific “non-standard” applications such as tandem PV, indoor applications, space applications, Agri-PV, or floating PV. etc.
- Moreover, missing long-term outdoor data is urgently needed to develop suited accelerated stress tests predict what will finally happen in the field.
- On the other hand, standard development is strongly dependent on commercial mass products and related preliminary work regarding harmonized protocols and technical reports.
- Amongst others, the upgraded ISOS protocols for Perovskite PV offer an excellent basis, but further efforts, and here especially networking activities such round robin measurements, are needed to increase and optimize their application within the perovskite R&D community.
- In this context, “harmonization roadmapping” may be a valid approach to increase focus, efficiency and effectiveness of the networking activities, especially the upcoming planned meetings and workshops initiated by the VIPERLAB consortium. We will discuss internally within the consortium how best to go about this.