Research Scientist, Vice-President of Hellenic Mediterranean University Research Center
Role in the project : Advisory Board Member
Dr. Kymakis is a Full Professor at the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering of the Hellenic Mediterranean University (HMU), Vice-President of the HMU Research Center and Director of the interinstitutional Post-Graduate Program “Nanotechnology for Energy Applications”. His multidisciplinary research lies at the interface between nanotechnology and electrical engineering and is centered on the development of printed optoelectronic and photovoltaic devices: solution processable graphene and related 2D materials, interfacial engineering of organic and perovskite solar cells, degradation studies in PV devices/modules under lab and outdoor conditions, high-throughput processes for the industrialization of printed electronics. He is currently the work package leader of Energy Generation of the EU FET-Flagship Initiative Graphene