source ©S.Ferlito, ENEA
ENEA is the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development. It is the second major Italian research organization, with around 2700 staff employees distributed in its 9 research centers. The Agency’s activities are focused on Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy Sources, Nuclear Energy, Climate and the Environment, Safety and Health. ENEA Lab activities are devoted to basic and industrial research exploiting wide-ranging expertise as well as experimental facilities, specialized laboratories, advanced equipment. It develops new technologies and advanced applications; provides public and private bodies with high-tech services, studies, measurements; delivers training and information activities aimed at providing greater awareness on the Agency’s fields of competence, and a higher level of dissemination and transfer of research results, thus promoting their exploitation for production purposes. It is also respectively the coordinator of the National Technology Clusters, energy efficiency by its special agency,
ENEA reinforces its efforts by collaborating with numerous national and international research bodies and institutions and participates in technological platforms and networks like EERA (European Energy Research Alliance), ECRA (European Climate Research Alliance), MEDENER, and Enterprise Europe Network, the largest network of services supporting competitiveness and innovation for SMEs.The ordinary state funding (~144M€) currently covers half of the Agency's costs and other financial contributions come from different sources of income grown over time.
ENEA will participate to VIPERLAB project by TERIN-Energy Technologies department and Renewable Resources Department and its TERIN-FSD Photovoltaic Technology and Smart Devices Division, involved with its 3 laboratories focused on the development, realization and characterization of PV material, thin film Silicon technologies, Silicon heterojunction, Perovskite devices, PV systems and Smart device laboratory, PV solar cells and module performance and reliability and its TERIN-ICT (Development of Systems for Information Technology and ICT) Division - HPC (High Performance Computing) Laboratory, that provides by ENEAGRID an uniform access to the high performance computing CRESCO clusters.
ENEA is also involving in WP5 the unit REL-PROM Communication and Promotion Unit (leaded by Arch Paola Giaquinto). This is the operational team that takes care of the Communication and Dissemination in one of the most important European research organizations with specific expertise on Energy, Sustainable Development, and Innovation. Someone of their produced output
It is deeply involved in the project as WP5-NA2 Communication, dissemination, exchange and training leader and CDM-Communication and dissemination manager to the development of a strategy for an improved visibility of the project and for the infrastructure network, provide feedback to external stakeholders on challenges, drivers and perspectives., dissemination of project´s outputs, generate Communication and dissemination plan. It coordinates the scientific outreach gained by the project through open access to media , Internet, papers and international workshops and conferences, As task leader for Task NA2.1: Setting up communication tools for general public awareness. And subtask Subtask NA2.5.1 VIPERLAB Knowledge Exchange Platform it creates tools to information exchange and incentives to foster knowledge exchange, by also developing the Project web site, the VIPERLAB KEP platform knowledge exchange Platform and the webinars platforms. It will benchmark results in dissemination and communication and will propose countermeasures to improve impact of the project in Communication and dissemination, ENEA will tightly collaborate with all others NAs-Networking Activities by participating and contributing to all the tasks.
ENEA also contributes to all the task of WP3 – VA1 Virtual access to database infrastructures and simulation and data analysis tools by leading Task VA1.2-Research Infrastructures for Virtual Access. To enable and train users of the VAs in order to foster efficient and scientifically relevant use of these infrastructures
ENEA collaborates with WP8 to Improve process equipment and process control for single and tandem junction perovskite PV and will participate to WP9- Task JRA3. To promote a common approach to measurement protocols
ENEAGRID High performance computational infrastructure
[1] - Took place on Feb, 08th 2022
Modelling, high performance computing and efficient access to data sets based on data reported in the literature and experimental work are important tools to accelerate research in the field of photovoltaic perovskite, and beyond. With this workshop VIPERLAB presents the importance of these topics for materials science technology and how the 4 virtual infrastructures of Viperlab project can support researchers from academy'and industry, with free access to their computing, modeling tools and the available datasets.
[1] - Took place on Nov, 30th 2022
H2020 VIPERLAB Project offers free access to the state-of-the-art perovskite EU infrastructures that cover the whole innovation/value chain from material preparation to characterization of perovskite devices and modules. Today we present two very relevant VIPRLAB research Infastructures: FRAUNHOFER Solar Cell Manufacturing & Characterization & EPFL/CSEM – PV lab/PV Center & PSK/SI Tandem processing.
[1] - Took place on Dec, 15th 2022
We present other two VIPERLAB Research Infrastructures. The first, CHOSE consists of two main infrastructures: the CHOSE@ROME, is located on the campus of the University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy), and focuses on technological manufacturing processes and device characterization. CHOSE@TURIN, is an infrastructure associated with the University of Turin (Italy) focused on the development of materials. The secon, AIT Viperlab Reseach infrastructures focusses on characterization and reliability tools for the accreditation tests of PV modules, and tools for PV deposition, characterization/reliability and development of thin film coatings.
[1] - Took place on Jan, 11th 2024
The webinar offered by ENEA is devoted to the presentation of the kSEMAW software. kSEMAW is a useful tool for scientists and technicians dealing with optical devices based on optical coatings. More precisely, kSEMAW is a workspace for the analysis of Spectrophotometric (SP), Ellipsometric (ELI) and Photothermal Deflection Spectroscopy (PDS) measurements.
Francesco Roca, David Casaburi, Antonella De Maria, Massimo Izzi, Vera La Ferrara, Manuela Ferrara, Paola Delli Veneri, Eva Unger, Natalia Maticiuc, Stephan Abermann, Raquel Alemañ, Aldo Di Carlo, Theodoros Dimopoulos, Jens Hauch, Mykhailo Sytnyk, Narges Yaghooni Nia
Manuela Ferrara, Maria Federica Caso, Fausta Loffredo, Giuseppe Nasti, Corinna Ponti, Gennaro V. Sannino, Carmen Serpico, Fulvia Villani, Paola Delli Veneri, Lucia V. Mercaldo
Vera La Ferrara, Antonella De Maria, Gabriella Rametta